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Epic Wizard Archetype Features


Abjuration: Master Abjurist

Beginning at 25th level, the intricacies of abjuration spells become known to you. When you cast an abjuration spell with a casting time of 1 action, you can change the casting time to 1 bonus action for this casting. 

  Once you have used this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


Abjuration: Double Ward

At 30th level, you can duplicate your abjurer weavings to simultaneously protect another creature. Whenever you use your abjuration archetype feature to ward yourself, you can choose an additional creature you can see within 30 feet to gain a ward identical to your own.


Blade: Extra Attack (2)

At 25th level, you can attack three times, instead of twice, whenever you take the Attack action.


Blade: Superb Critical

At 30th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20, and your spell attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.


Chronal: Lend Time

Beginning at 25th level, your powers over time spill over onto your allies. When you finish a long rest, choose a number of creatures you can see equal to your proficiency bonus. Until the next time you finish a long rest or die, the chosen creatures gain a bonus to initiative rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier.

  In addition, you have advantage on initiative rolls.


Chronal: Everywhen

At 30th level, you can’t be surprised. In addition, you can use a bonus action to simultaneously place yourself into several moments of time. For the next minute, you gain a magical bonus to armor class equal to half your proficiency bonus. If you take damage, this property of the feature ceases to function until the start of your next turn.

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


Conjuration: Conjure Anything

Starting at 25th level, you can permanently bring most any object into existence. You add the creation spell to your spellbook, and when you cast it using a spell slot of 5th-level you can choose to make the object you create to be permanent. 

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Conjuration: Go Anywhere

At 30th level, no barriers can keep you at bay. Once on each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to teleport to an unoccupied space within 60 feet. If you teleport into an object, you take 3d10 force damage and are moved 5 feet towards the nearest unoccupied space. 

  In addition, when you teleport, only the wish spell and similarly powerful effects are able to stop you.


Divination: True Third Eye

At 25th level, you grow a third eye in the middle of your forehead. The eye sees through your body and equipment and only ever closes when you fall asleep (if flanking is in effect, you are immune to flanking). You gain proficiency in the Perception and Investigation skills, and your passive scores for each increase by 3. If you already have proficiency in either skill, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses it. 

  When you cast a divination spell that requires concentration, you use an action or bonus action to imbue your third eye with the spell. Your third eye closes and ceases to grant any other benefits as it concentrates on the spell. While your third eye concentrates on a spell, you are able to cast a second spell that requires concentration. After a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus, your third eye opens and the spell it was concentrating on is lost.


Divination: Allsight

At 30th level, nothing is hidden from you. You gain true sight to a range of 120 feet.


Enchantment: Exceptional Enchanter

At 25th level, by making a greater magical effort your enchantments become harder to resist. When you cast an enchantment spell, you can expend a spell slot equal to half the level of the spell slot you used to cast the spell (minimum spell slot of 1st-level). If you do so, one creature targeted by your enchantment spell has disadvantage on its saving throw to resist it. 

  Alternatively, you can use this feature to ignore a creature’s immunity to the charmed condition for the casting of this spell. The creature makes its saving throw with advantage.


Enchantment: Take Thrall

At 30th level, you can turn a creature into your thrall by expending a 9th-level spell slot and casting dominate monster on it. If the creature fails its saving throw and has a challenge rating equal to or less than your proficiency bonus, you can choose to make the duration of the spell permanent until it is dispelled or you make another creature your thrall. For the duration, the spell does not require your concentration and you do not regain that 9th-level spell slot when you regain your spells.

  At the end of each week, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.


Evocation: Spit Magic

At 25th level, damaging magics practically leap from your fingers. Whenever you cast an evocation spell on your turn, you can use a bonus action to cast a cantrip that deals damage.


Evocation: Energy Purist

At 30th level, you are able to use the most fundamental energies of the universe so effectively that even those creatures that normally ignore it cannot bear to do so. Choose one of the following types of damage: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, thunder, radiant. Evocation spells that you cast which deal the chosen type of damage ignore damage resistances, and creatures with immunity to your chosen type of damage take half damage instead.


Gravity: Demi

At 25th level, your arcane control over the forces of gravity is as exacting as any spell. You can use an action to crush the insides of a Huge or smaller object or creature you can see within 60 feet. A creature targeted by this feature is paralyzed until the start of your next turn. The target makes a Strength saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or it takes damage equal to half its current hit points.

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

  In addition, you gain tremorsense to a range of 30 feet.


Gravity: Immovable

At 30th level, you can use a bonus action to occupy a fixed point in space. Choose a creature you can see within 60 feet. For the next minute or until you end this effect, as long as you have at least 1 hit point and are conscious, the creature cannot be knocked prone, pushed, pulled, or moved by any effect unless you allow it. On its turn a creature can use its action to make a Strength saving throw against your wizard spell save DC, ending the effect on itself on a success.

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


Illusion: Invisibility Expert

At 25th level, you see invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible. 

  In addition, when you cast a spell that makes a creature or object invisible, you regain a spell slot of a spell level equal to half of the spell you cast.


Illusion: Incredible Figments

At 30th level, creatures have disadvantage on saving throws made to resist your illusion spells.


Invention: Clockwork Components

At 25th level, you unlock the secrets of artifice. Every day when you prepare your spells, choose a number of spells equal to your proficiency bonus. You may spend an extra hour while preparing spells to fashion devices using clockwork components that enable you to cast the chosen spells without the need for verbal or material components (though any components costing 1 gold or more are required to craft a device). Additionally, these spells and their effects are immune to counterspell, detect magic, dispel magic, and other spells that affect magic. You must choose what level spell slot a spell occupies when you prepare a spell this way, and you cannot use a spell slot of 4th-level or higher. The clockwork components required cost 5 gold per spell level prepared.


Invention: Clockwork Companion

At 30th level, you are able to craft a clockwork companion. Choose any creature of a CR up to your proficiency bonus. You create a copy of that creature. Your clockwork companion changes its type to construct. It gains immunity to the charmed, exhaustion, frightened, and poisoned conditions, it is immune to poison and psychic damage, and it becomes vulnerable to lightning and thunder damage. Otherwise your clockwork companion retains all of the creature’s statistics. 

  You can issue commands to your clockwork companion while you are conscious (no action required), which it does its best to obey. It always follows your commands to the best of its ability, even self-destructive ones. Crafting this clockwork companion requires one week and 600 gold per CR of the created creature. 


Lore: Repository of Knowledge

Starting at 25th level, your mind becomes exceptionally keen. Whenever you make an Intelligence check, you can treat a d20 roll of half your wizard level or lower as half your wizard level. In addition, you have advantage on ability checks you make that use Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion.


Lore: Boundless Arcana

At 30th level, your understanding of arcane magic becomes complete. You are able to learn any spell from the bard, sorcerer, and warlock spell lists, and add them to your spellbook. When you cast these spells, they are treated as wizard spells for you. 


Necromancy: Deathly Conduit

At 25th level, when you work necromancy magics you can unleash death all around yourself. When you cast a necromancy spell of 6th-level or higher, you can choose to release a burst of necrotic energy that pulses out from you in a 15-foot radius. Each living creature in the area must make a Constitution saving throw against your wizard spell save DC, taking 6d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Necromancy: Pale Master

At 30th level, you no longer need to eat, breathe, or sleep, and you gain immunity to necrotic damage. 

  In addition, you have advantage on saving throws made against necromancy spells as well as the attacks and traits of undead creatures, and undead have disadvantage on saving throws made to resist spells that you cast.


Onomancy: Primordial Language

At 25th level, you understand all spoken and written languages, and any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say. 

  In addition, you learn some bits of the primordial language of the universe said to be the first utterances of any entities in existence. These simple words contain incredible power making it dangerous to sound them aloud—even at a whisper you might crack your teeth or rupture blood vessels in a listener’s ear. 

  You know three primordial words selected from the list below. You can use a bonus action to speak any primordial word that you know. 

  Damage you take from using a primordial word cannot be redirected and ignores any damage resistances or immunities. After you use a primordial word, each time you use that primordial word again before finishing a long rest the damage it deals to you is doubled.

Baffle: You utter a bewildering word that muddles the senses, dealing 2d8 damage to yourself. Choose one creature within 30 feet. The creature makes a Wisdom saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or is blinded and deafened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Explode: You spit out a word that manifests into a stream of force, dealing 2d6 damage to yourself. Make a ranged attack roll against a creature within 30 feet. On a hit you deal an amount of thunder damage equal to your Intelligence modifier plus 1d10 × your proficiency bonus. On a critical hit, the creature is knocked prone.

Future: You whisper a questioning word from the void, dealing 2d10 damage to yourself, but in return you are gifted with glimpses of possible futures and likely outcomes. You have advantage on your next d20 roll.

Horrify: You bellow a dreaded word that terrifies a creature, dealing 2d10 damage to yourself. Choose one creature within 60 feet. The creature makes a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or is frightened of you for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if you are within line of sight, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Stop: You pulverize your mouth to shout a potent word of command, dealing 4d8 damage to yourself. Choose a creature within 60 feet and make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against a DC equal to the creature’s passive Athletics score. On a success, the creature is paralyzed until the beginning of your next turn.


Onomancy: Primordial Linguist

At 30th level, you gain greater mastery over primordial words. Whenever you speak a primordial word, you take half as much damage as normal. In addition, you learn whatever primordial words you do not already know.


Psionic: Powerful Telepath

At 25th level, your capacity for touching other minds becomes remarkable. You can communicate telepathically with any creature you can see, regardless of whether it knows or shares a language with you.

  In addition, you can use an action to disorient a creature you can see. The creature must make an Intelligence saving throw against your wizard spell save DC or be disoriented for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus. A disoriented creature loses any types of vision other than regular vision (a creature with only blindsight gains regular vision). In addition, it suffers a –2 penalty to AC, attack rolls, and ability checks.

  Once you have used this feature against a creature, for the next 24 hours it has advantage on saving throws made to resist it.


Psionic: Psychic Being

At 30th level, you can turn yourself into a being of mental energy for as long as you like. There is no duration to how long you are able to maintain your psionic form.


Scribe: Lustrous Scrolls

Beginning at 25th level, you can scribe lustrous scrolls that are much more potent than normal. At any time you may only possess up to your wizard level × 20 gold in lustrous scrolls. Your proficiency bonus on spell attacks or to determine your wizard spell save DC is doubled when casting a spell using a lustrous scroll. 


Table: Lustrous Scrolls

Spell Level      Cost       Time Required

        1st           52 gold           1 hour

       2nd        136 gold          2 hours

       3rd         351 gold          4 hours


Scribe: Scribed Mind

At 30th level, you are able to call forth the magic from two spells using one action. Each spell cast this way must have a casting time of an action or bonus action. After casting the spell, you take an amount of damage equal to triple the combined spell levels. You may not use a lustrous calligraphy scroll with this feature. 

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


Theurgy: Otherworldly Ally

At 25th level, once between long rests you can use an action to innately cast conjure celestial without the need for concentration, summoning a celestial of a challenge rating equal to or less than your proficiency bonus.
If you are evil, you are able to use this feature to summon a fiend instead.


Theurgy: Divine Resurgence

At 30th level, when you die from an attack or spell that deals 50 damage or less, after 1d4 rounds you return to life with 1 hit point. You can’t use this feature again for 1 month.


Transmutation: Powerful Shapechanging

At 25th level, your magic can break the boundaries of the arcane when you change a creature’s form. You add the true polymorph spell to your spellbook. When you cast true polymorph, you can use this feature to choose a new form for your target of a challenge rating as high as 25 so long as the target meets the other prerequisites.

  When you use this feature to transform a second target, any previous target that is still transformed reverts to its original form. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


Transmutation: Nature Shape

At 30th level, you learn to merge a creature with a piece of the world itself. You can use an action to choose a willing creature within 30 feet and expend a 9th-level spell slot to transform it into the landscape, as the One with Nature epic druid feature (page @@).

  Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.


War: Arcana Denial

At 25th level, you can cut off a creature’s access to magic. When you hit a creature with an attack, you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot of 6th-level or higher to deny it the benefits of magic for a number of rounds equal to half your proficiency bonus. For the duration the creature is targeted by an effect that functions as the antimagic field spell except that its range is reduced to touch and it has no radius (affecting only the creature). Spells that deal damage affect the creature normally. On each of its turns, the creature can spend its action to make a Charisma saving throw against your wizard spell save DC to end the effect. 


War: Combat Spellcasting

At 30th level, you can fling harmful magics with a whim. When you cast a spell that deals damage, you can use a bonus action to cast a cantrip that deals damage.

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